The examination and confessin of Jean Broune prisoner in the tolbuth of
Wigtoune taken in presence of William Coltrane of drummonell Shirref dep[ute]
upon the twenty day of February jajvij c & six years
1o The said day the s[ai]d Jean Broune being interrogat whither or not she conversed w[i]t[h]
spirits, acknowledged that she did the samen these ten years past and that they
rocked her a Sleep in the night tyme
2do being interrogat if these spirits had any carnall dealling w[i]t[h] her, she confest that
some tymes they had w[i]t[h] her, as man and wyfe had in begetting of children
3do Being interrogat whither or not their came three men in to her mothers family efter
her fathers decease and on of th[e]m stretcht furth his hand w[i]t[h] ane paper theirin lyke
to ane discharge, and offered the samen to her mother & sisters, who refuised to –
accept th[e]rof], but that she did take it out of his hand, and he told her th[a]t the rest should
die shortly but she should live long, this she confesses and that the s[ai]d three men
did wyte her at the taking of the said paper as if she had taken ane toune Land
from th[e]m, and this was when she was young, and declaires th[a]t she had no converse
with spirits before that tyme
4to being interrogat whither or not in ane house In palbea in the parish of kirkrowam and
ane boy did cast some water upon her, she confesses that at the casting of the s[ai]d
water, she said that although he had cast the sheit over her, yet she would cast
the chist over him
5to being interrogat whither or not when She was sheaving w[i]t[h] her Landlady in palbea
alledging her said landlady had made her very warm at the s[ai]d sheaving, that she
should have said to her said landlady that she should never heat her again –
and that her landlady should have died the s[ai]d night, This she denyes
6to being interrogat whither or not she was married to these spirits in Kirwark –
She deviats, and sayes she hes these spirits, but non could bring these spirits –
to marry her
7to Being interrogat whither or not these spirits made her sick in Kirwark and that
that they led her so low th[a]t she could not turn her in her bed & that w[i]t[h]in three
dayes they raised her up again, this she confesses and lykewayes she confesses –
that she said these spirits would take her to heaven
8to being interrogat if she prayed to these spirits, she confesses she did & that
she hes her health and being from them
9o being interrogat whither or not she had bein at any difference w[i]t[h] Robert McCaes
wyfe in Airneshine in Collomonell paroch, she says that McCaes wife had made
lyes upon her, and th[a]t the spirits told her, the night before the s[ai]d womans husband –
died, that they would make ane weidow of her, because she was so peart as to tread
upon their love & that in reveange of her quarrel & that the man died the same
night or shortly threfter
10th being interrogat whither or not q[uhe]n she was on night in the house of the hill that their
was ane chylde sick in the s[ai]d house, and that she did cast a little salt over the childe
and that the chylde immediatly recovered, this she confesses she did
11th being interrogat anent the wershiping of these spirits, she confesses the wershiping of
th[e]m and th[a]t he is the God that made heaven & earth
Exhorted by order of the s[ai]d Shirref dep[u]t per me
Alex Campbell Clerk dep[u]t