My Lord
We are obliged to trouble your
Lor[dship] in this very important affair concerning which William Coltrane of
Drummorell Sheriffe-depute of Wigtone hath acquainted your Lor[dship] the case being
confessed blasphemy and Devilry or witchcraft as you may see; anent which we
humblie addresse your Lo[rdship] to procure and order a commission for tryall and Judging
the designed Jean Brown according to the laws of God and the Nation, to which
we hope your concern for the glory of God and suppressing the Kingdome of Satan
will influence you: we expect you will readily grant the desyre as you have done in
the like cases. We have appointed and for that very purpose sent our Rev[e]r[en]d
Brother Mr Thomas Carr Min[iste]r of Wigtone to deliver this with the
Sheriffes-deput’s letter and representation and to receive your answer. Praying
that God may blesse and direct you in all the concerns of your eminent station
This in name presence and at the appointment of the Presb[ytery] of Wigtone
is signified to you by My Lord
Your Lo[rdship’s] most humble serv[an]t in our
Lord Jesus
Wigtone Feb[ruar]y 20 William Campbell
1706 mod[erato]r