Beggars benison diploma

PD100 Certificate of Admission of Sir Patrick Stirling to the Beggar’s Benison Club, 4th December 1765
By the supereminently Beneficent and superlatively Benevolent Sir John McNachlane Sovereign of the most Ancient and most Puissant Order of the Beggar’s Bennison and Merryland in the Twentieth year of his Guardianship as Sovereign and in that of the Order 5765
Having nothing more sincerely at Heart than the Happyness and prosperity of our Well beloved Subjects the Inhabitants of our celebrated Territories of Merryland, and the encouraging of Trade, Manufactures and Agriculture in that delightful Colony and Whereas We are fully satisfied that Patrick Stirling Esqr of Hampden Jamaica has all manner of Inclination as well as sufficient Abilities, and other necessary Qualifications for promoting these Noble & Laudable purposes, and Willing that such bold Adventurers should have all suitable encouragement: We Do hereby create, admit and receive Him a Knight Companion of the most Ancient and most Puissant Order of the Beggar’s Bennison and Merryland by the Name, Stile and Title of Sir Patrick Stirling to be used & enjoyed by him in all time coming with Our full powers and priviledges of Ingress, Egress and Regress from and to, and to and from all the Harbours, Creeks, Havens and commodious Inlets upon the Coasts of our said extensive territories at his Pleasure, and that without payment of Toll, Custom, or any other Taxes or Impositions whatsoever.
Done at the Beggar’s Bennison Chambers of Anstruther, upon this ffourth day of the month known to the Vulgar by the Name of December.
Witness I the Recorder
A. Hunter