1. Rycht worthie loveing frends & neichbouris
2. We doubt not bot long agoe yee have hard of the Lamenta
3. ble conditioun of this citie throw suddent fyre And that
4. thare is ane general contributioune to be collected throw the
5. haill nation ffor supplie of the poore widows orphantis and others
6. who are totallie wrakit be that fyre We have sent thore
7. twa youngmen John Semple & James Or
8. Alonge thoro the country To use diligence for ingetting of
9. that contributioune We expect that your brughe will not
10. onlie according to its abilitie be helpefull thairanent In ane
11. guid examplairie maner Bot also will prove assistant (to th[e]m in rela[tiou]n) [in margin] to all
12. your nechberes about We thairefor recom[m]end this to your owne
13. care and discretioune and with all Requeisting
14. yow most earenestlie That quhat can be gottine may be
15. sent with diligence befoir the winter approche That the
16. poore widowis and orphantis who hes no shields to creipe
17. in may be tymeouslie supported and so rests
18. y[o]ur affectionat friends &
19. neichbores
20. Glasgow 17
21. Sep[tembe]r 1652
22. Daniell Wallace provost
23. J andersoun ballie
24. James pollok Baily
25. Ebenezer Wilsone baillie