Appoints to receave the taikings at the Morning Service
William Anssone Johnne Henriesone boyot & Johnne Cuthbert
At the second Service William Gillaspie Allexander Brown & Allexander Dawsone
Appoints to collect the almis at the first Service
David Murray & Johnne Layng mott and at the
Second Service James Gardnor & Johnne Sharon
Lidill dur [little door]
To await on the littill dur in the kirk and for keip
Ing of gude ordur in the uttur [outer] kirk at the morning
Service Johnne Bruce and Andro Sandis and at
the second Service Androw Cowan & George Norwall
Ordanis the first bell to be rung on Sattirday
Nixt aftir none at i hour the second half ane hour
thaftir and the last bell to begin befair twa hours
aftir none and siclyk the first bell to ring on Sunday in
the morning half ane hour befair iiii hours and the
first bell to the second Service to knell at the end of the first Service