Stirling Council Archives holds building plans for the former Western District of Perth County Council (this area is now part of Stirling Council). The earliest plan dates from June 1920. At this time the Western District Committee had not yet adopted building regulations so no submission for approval was necessary. From 1 Jan 1927, County Building Bye-Laws were in operation. All building plans within scope of the Bye-Laws had to be submitted to the Committee for approval. Unfortunately, none of the building plans submitted in this first year have survived, however, details are provided in the Western District Committee Minutes. It was not until 1964 that national building regulations were introduced in Scotland.
The plans from 1920 were submitted by the North British Railway Company for the erection of houses at Crianlarich for railway staff. The houses were to be sited just east of the railway line. The building was to be a two storey terrace with six two-bedroom homes, including gardens.
The 1922-23 valuation roll reveals that the houses on Strathfillan Terrace were occupied by Sween McSween, the railway inspector, and five other railway servants.