August 1815
2 Fine warm weather.
The Salmon fishing has turned out tolerably well this season.
The fish fetch high prices Trouts being 6d, Gilses 7d and Salmon 10d.
4 The Lammas fair was held, it was not thronged with people as formerly and the Markets were insignificant, in respect of what they used to be. There was little sale either for Horses or Cattle.
Eighty three doctors of Medcine made at Edinburgh at one time of whom thirty eight were Scottish men.
8 The Kingdom of Candy on the Island of Ceylon conquered by General Brownwrigge and the King taken prisoner. This conquest was very difficult hut was atchieved with little or no bloodshed.
12 Bonaparte was sent to the Island of St Helena in the Indian Ocean on the coast of Africa where he is to strictly guarded, but tis dreaded that he will escape and do more mischief, he ought to have been put to death.
A fine seasonable rain, the country was much parched with the dry hot weather, the Trees and Shrubs in many places were withered, the Crops had suffered much.
18 Severall people have begun to cut down the Wheat and Barley.
20 The Accounts from the Napaul Country up the Ganges in Hindustan are not favorable. It seems that the Napaulese are resisting our forces sometimes with Sucess.