In the records of the Whinwell Children’s Home, held at the Archives, there is an album of cards that the founder of the home, Miss Croall, compiled. In it are all the cards sent to her by grateful children, grown and left the Home but who remembered her with affection. Amongst these are cards sent to her by men serving in the First World War. Rather touchingly, some of these are addressed to ‘Mother’ as Miss Croall was the nearest thing to a mother that some of these young men had. Amongst the cards are Christmas greetings. There was not much space on the official cards for a personal message and most just have the name of the man sending it.
Cards came to the Children’s Home from all over the world and she carefully kept each one along with the letters and photographs sent to her at other times from children who had previously been in her care. She was evidently very much loved.
A very Merry Christmas to our readers from staff at Stirling Council Archives, and all good wishes for 2016!