Viola Stirling’s Nature Diary: 18th January – 9th February 1920

Everyone can identify with the optimism of the first signs of spring. In these entries from early 1920, Viola shows that she is no exception. The first entry from the 18th of January marks the first snowdrop, which was evidently picked and brought in to Touch House to sit in a vase.

On the 7th of February, Viola describes two hares playing chase in a field near her house, their exuberance another sign of spring.

By the 9th of February, the snowdrops are out ‘in profusion’. It is likely that both Gargunnock and Touch Houses had  beautiful displays of spring bulbs in the gardens.

18th Jan 1920 Touch House

First snowdrop brought in

  1. Feb 8.35 a.m. Dining Room Window

Saw two hares chasing each other in the Hay Field

in front of the house. Went on, in and out of the

bushes in the shrubbery at the west.

  1. Feb Snowdrops in profusion.