Thomas Graham’s Diary – 5th & 6th September 1939

Continuing from his previous diary entry, Thomas starts to describe how A.R.P and billeting are being implemented at Rednock House.

We already know from previous entries that Thomas is unhappy with the current air raid precaution arrangements. He beings this entry by stating that they have ‘no proper service gas masks and about 1 decontamination suit for the whole area. All I got this morning was 2 whistles’.

Thomas continues by writing about billeting arrangements at his house. He is not, however, happy with the actions of the billeting officer. He describes him as a person with ‘very bad manners’ and that he is someone who ‘seemed to think they owned the house’.

Thomas later found out that all the scholars who were to be billeted to Rednock House were ‘forthwith to be moved to Gartmore’. Understandably annoyed, Thomas remarked that this was because was all the prior arrangements were done ‘in such feverish haste’. The result of the confusion meant that Rednock House was ‘empty tonight’ and that he was ‘very sorry to lose these very respectable people’.



The next day, Thomas finds out that America intends to stay neutral during the war. He expects the German U-Boats to use the South Irish coast given this stance.

Much to his relief, Thomas has also been given word from Frank Rowan-Thomson that he has been relieved of any further responsibility regarding air raid warnings. Thomas remarks that he is ‘glad for it’ given that he is ‘so lame with arthritis’.
