1. Rex
2. Provest and Baillies of our burgh of sterling
3. We greit you wele. It is our will and we
4. Co[m]mand you That ye faill not (all excuses sett a
5. p[ar]t) To send to ws to Linlythg[o]w upoun Tyrsday
6. next _________ prickat Wiche p[resen]dtlie in y[ou]r ward that
7. she may be reddy their that ny[ch]t at evin attending
8. our cu[m]ing ffor her tryell in th[a]t depositioun she
9. has maid against capitain heringe and his wyffe
10. and for our better resolutioun of the treuth th[er]of
11. As ye will ans[er] to ws Upoun y[ou]r offices
12. & obedience keipand this p[resen]dtis for y[ou]r warrand
13. Subscrivit w[i]th our hand At Falkland the xvi
14. Dat of September 1597