CH2-722-1: First entry, 08 August 1581

1. The Elderschip of striviling Was erectit
2. upone the viii day of august the yeir of god
3. Im Vc lxxxi yeirs be Mr Robert montgu[m]rie
4. and Mr andro grahame Co[m]issio[na]ris appointit
5. be the last g[ene]rall assemblie haldin at glasg[o]w to that
6. effect
7. The namis of the mi[ni]sters and elderis p[rese]ntlie conveinit quha accep[tit]
8. it upone their offeice & plaice in the said p[res]b[it]rie be solem promeis
9. in the p[rese]ns of god their hands beand haldin up Promies[n]g
10. faithfullie to exerceis their officis th[er]in conform to the Word
11. of god unto the end of their lywis as it sall plais god to
12. minister unto them the giftis of his holie spirit

13. Minsters
14. Mr Robert montgu[m]rie mi[ni]ster at striviling
15. Patrik gillaspie mi[ni]ster at S. Ninians kirk
16. Andro forester mi[ni]ster at Falkirk
17. Mr Andro yung mi[ni]ster at dunblane
18. Alex[ande]r fargy mi[ni]ster at Logy
19. Robert mentayt mi[ni]ster at Alvaryt
20. Mr Adam m[i]schell mi[ni]ster at fossowy
21. Thomas swintoun mi[ni]ster at mukert

22. Elderis for the kirk of Striviling
23. Adame Co[m]mendatar of Cambuskynnet
24. Umphra cwnynghame co[m]miss[ar] of striviling
25. Mr James pont co[m]miss[ar] of dunblane
26. Johnne layng burges of striviling

27. ffor S. Ninians kirk
28. Alex[ande]r forester of garden
29. Duncane narne of torbrekis
30. Alex[ande]r patirsone in corspatrik

31. ffor Logy
32. Adame spittall of blair logy
33. James alschundur in mainis